Wednesday, July 09, 2008

The Daddy Diaries: Our Little Geek

Kai often appears fascinated when Lauren and I are typing - sometimes we let him play with the keyboard. Usually that just means a lot of space bar pressing, but occasionally he does something quite unexpected.

Just a few minutes ago, he began banging on the keyboard and somehow managed to open a new tab in Firefox with the version 3.0 release notes. Which was quite impressive. A bit more banging and he bookmarked the page. Which was amazing. Then he printed the release notes. Clearly, he's much more advanced than we give him credit for. We'll see if he wants to read them (or more likely, chew on them) later.

More true to form, Kai now writes:
,,hj n .

,,hj n . indeed. I know you're smarter than you're letting on.


Unknown said...

When I realized how much my little geek liked banging on the keyboard, I dug out an old keyboard from the basement and cut the cable off. now when we sit at the computer, I can put his keyboard in front of the real one and he can type to his heart's content. Only problem is he prefers the one with the little green lights.

GooberMonkey said...

brilliant suggestion!!!