Friday, October 12, 2007

Um, Time Warp?

In 2000, I was constantly peeved at progressives. Back then, the mantra was that democrats and republicans were the same, there was no appreciable difference between Al Gore and George Bush.

Now, everyone loves Al Gore.

And I keep hearing people say there's not much difference between Hillary Clinton and Republicans.

Um. Earth to everyone. Yes there is. And it's pretty darned substantial. And she's the only democrat in the field who is consistently polling as beating all of the republicans in a general. Can we stop convincing ourselves that she's either the same as a republican or unelectable? Actually, the thing that I suspect leads people to think she might be kind of like a republican are many of the things about her that also, frankly, make her electable. But whatever. Progressives, unfortunately my tribe, having been making me mad for years. By and large, it doesn't seem to me that we're a very pragmatic or realistic bunch.

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