Tuesday, August 30, 2005

My morning...

This morning:

Bob and I got into a silly argument before I dropped him at the T.

I went to vote and was criticized very vocally by the poll workers for using the wrong entrance. Then they couldn't find me on the books despite the fact that I have voted in every municipal and other election of the past several years. Then they found me and again very loudly reprimanded me for failing to send in my city census. Then they announced loudly to the room that I was a registered Democrat.

Stopped into the Danish Pastry House to buy a cup of the chili powder hot cocoa listed on their board, only to be told that they had no cocoa.

Got to my office, sat down, and began to do some work. My co-worker Paula walked into my office, not realizing that anyone was in here, and let out a blood-curdling, ten-or-so-second scream when she saw me seated at my computer.

And it's not even 9am yet.


Laurie said...

um, sorry your morning sucked, but those are some interesting "anonymous" comments you got.

K.C. said...

Hmm, which to go for? ebooks or penis enlarger. Hmm...

GooberMonkey said...

Yes...I'm conflicted. Do I leave them there? Do I trash them. Running themes: 'awesome' and 'try my strange and creepy website' - hmmm....for the moment, i'll let them stay, because they are just that odd.

GooberMonkey said...

Well, in the end, I took them down...